Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Really really sick

Hi guys,

I didn't disappear into thin air.
It's just that i've been really really sick since last Friday.

The persistent high fever got so bad that I couldn't even get out of bed and had to go to the hospital and be put on a drip yesterday.

Never been so sick all my life.

This episode is a wake up call to me to learn how to sit back & relax once in awhile.

This goes out to Friends who are working for your dear life now, please learn to give yourself a break after a long day's work.

Keep one day of the week Totally FREE and Do something you like to do, be it watch TV, go for movie treats, ktv, sleep all day, whatever at all and don't think about work at all.

Allow your mind to relax totally before you go on.

At the end of the day,
We are only humans.
There's only so much we can do.

The weather is crazy nowadays.
Please take care~

Let's be responsible for our health!

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